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Found 1283 results for any of the keywords shingle style. Time 0.007 seconds.
VanBrouck & Associates - Luxury Residential Design - Residential ArchiVanBrouck Associates is a top award-winning, high-end, luxury residential design architect firm located in Birmingham, Michigan. We offer high-end, luxury residential projects in Birmingham and Bloomfield Hills , Michi
VanBrouck Associates | Gallery | Birmingham MI | Bloomfield Hills MiBrowse VanBrouck and Associates Photo Gallery. A refined attention to detail is designed and built into every home to create the perfect balance of charm, character, and personality.
Birmingham | Bloomfield Hills Michigan - VanBrouck & Associates - LuxuSpecializing in architectural styles from French Chateau, French Country, English Manor, Shingle Style, Craftsman, Prairie Style, and Modern Style. Our design philosophy is that a custom designed house should reflect the
Architectural Shingles Austin San Antonio TexasArchitectural shingles, also known as laminate shingles or dimensional shingles, are a high quality, layered asphalt shingle that make your home stand out.
Top Roofing Material for Alton Homes: Why Asphalt Shingles are the BesDiscover why asphalt shingles are the ideal roofing material for homes in Alton, IL. Learn about their affordability, durability, weather resistance, and aesthetic variety. Get expert asphalt shingle roofing services fro
3 Tab Shingles | Residential Roofing | Orbit RoofingThere are several types of asphalt shingles to choose from and at Orbit Roofing, we can help you choose the best fit for your home.
Impact Resistant Shingles For Your Home | Orbit RoofingImpact resistant shingles, also known as Class 4 shingles, are capable of withstanding more powerful hail impacts than any other type of roof shingles.
VanBrouck Associates | Birmingham | Bloomfield Hills Michigan - VanBA number of projects from the firm's extensive archives have been selected and compiled into fourteen exclusive and proprietary plan collections. The collections showcase diverse architectural styles and floor plans, and
Metal Roofing Installation and Repair In South Bend, IN - Metal Roof RProfessional and affordable metal roof installation in South Bend, Indiana. Click for reviews, prices, coupons and more.
Builders of Custom homes, Custom Additions and Renovations in New HampDesigners and Builders of Custom Homes, Custom Additions and Renovations on the Seacoast of New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts
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